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RENNY RIVERO: Bringing Rhythm to Real Estate

Renyel Rivero Brings Latin American Inclusion to Miami Real Estate Market

Renyel Rivero, who is also known by his friends as Renny knows the Miami area well. He was born and raised here, the son of a proud Cuban family who put down their roots in Florida. As a real estate industry leader who’s been in the business for over twenty years, he’s worked hard for his community and culture. Renyel is transforming how the real estate world connects with Latin America and bringing about inclusion and cultural competency to change the game.

Renny Rivero

Growing up with Miami Music

Renyel was always interested in music as a child. His family nurtured his talents, sending him to magnet schools to hone his talent and find his passion. He tinkered with several instruments, including a little piano, and decided to focus on the upright bass.  Initially, Renny studied classical music at New World School of the Arts (NWSA) in the heart of downtown Miami, a center of artistic and academic excellence in the visual and performing arts. It was there that he began to find his love for jazz, and Latin jazz, which would become the center of his musical world.

He went to the University of Miami on a full jazz scholarship to study music and jazz performance. While in school, he also worked on his passion for graphic design, and after graduation, spent his time performing, recording, and doing graphic design equally.

Renny Rivero

Renny Rivero

Creating a Family and a Business

After time away from Miami traveling and performing, he decided to come back to the area and met his future wife. As a professional musician, Renyel found himself playing music non-stop, playing multiple gigs each week passionately. While Latin Jazz was and always will be his passion, the music business is forever a challenge — balancing family and work and finances is a persistent endeavor.  Renny decided to try a different avenue to increase income, while still having a flexible schedule to keep his love of music pulsing.

Miami is famous for a lot of things. Tourism, Food, Nightlife, Beaches, and in the past 30 years, Real Estate is the most popular career in the Magic City. Renny had always been interested in Real Estate and decided to get his Real Estate License. Once licensed, he was able start investing in and flipping houses. Along with his partner, Severiano Fernandez, they started two businesses, a real estate brokerage and a loss mitigation company. Although these companies were successful, it took incredibly hard work and dedication. They began by knocking on doors all across the city and turned their business into a tri-county direct mail operation that became very lucrative until the market crash of 2008.

Pivoting in the Real Estate Market

With the market crash, Renyel and his partner Severiano knew they needed to find another real estate niche that could continue their business. They entered into the REO game, building relationships with banks that needed to sell houses they obtained during the foreclosure crisis. After the market upheaval, there was a great amount of business in REO, and Renyel and Severiano were able to grow their business for many years to come.

In 2018, with REO business winding down, he wanted a change. Already a member of NAHREP (The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals), he wanted to leverage his national network of contacts to focus on the parts of real estate that excited him, and build a large team of agents. He joined EXP Realty, a global online brokerage that’s powered by top agents and cutting-edge technology. Being one of the first agents in South East Florida to join EXP he has built a large team of experienced producing agents.   While Renny and Sev have built their business, NAHREP has always been a driving factor in creating a purpose for Renny.  It was there that he found his passion for helping the Latin American community. In 2021, he became the president of their South Florida chapter, and his work with them became the catalyst for his next big venture.

Creating a Culture of Inclusion

Renyel wanted to create a way to bring everyone together in the real estate world, so he and Severiano created the Institute for Cultural Competence. As a brand new educational institute, their first goal is to teach sales training for the Latin market. Renyel saw from his years in Real Estate, that a lot of lenders, bankers, individuals thought that all Latin Americans had similar heritage and traditions in their culture. He wanted to create a course to show people in the business to look at individual cultures, and talk with pride about Latin Americans’ backgrounds, without prejudice or wrong notions.

Renyel’s goal for the Institute for Cultural Competence is for these courses to be taught at universities, building a generation of real estate professionals who treat each member of the Latin community and beyond with respect and has a knowledge of their individual culture.

The purpose of the institute is to bring people together, to teach everyone how to talk to people in the right way, no matter their background.

Creating a Better Future

With Latin Americans becoming the fastest growing population in the U.S., more and more homebuyers will represent this demographic. Renyel’s idea of inclusion is not only culturally sensitive but financially lucrative to those who embrace it. “ It is undeniable, due to the trends in cultural diversity we’re experiencing in this county, that in most areas, the highly sought designation of Top Producer will be limited to those with ab high degree of cultural competence.”

Be sure to contact Renny with any Real Estate related questions or to discuss The Institute for Cultural Competence. He is always eager to share his knowledge and time to help anyone in need.

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